My system is a Athlon 900 with a 40 gig hard drive. I have no SCSI or USB devices. My kernel was compiled without any of the SCSI or USB drivers. I compiled the SCSI and USB drivers as modules. I have version 2.4.8_26mdk of the Linux kernel with Mandrake 8.1. Since we are working on the kernel level, this document should be applicable to any distro.
I also make the following assumptions in this document:
You do not have any SCSI or USB modules loaded or mounted.
You are the superuser and have the root password.
The word camera can refer to a device of type camera, card reader, any USB mass storage device.
The mount point "camera", /mnt/camera, does not refer to a device in the aforementioned context. Look in the directory /mnt and you will probably see cdrom, disk, floppy, and maybe several others device names. In mine, you will see these plus "camera". These are directories, and they are mount points.
The symbol "[bash]$" means the command line prompt. Do not type it when you are entering a command. It is where you type the command line to give user input to the computer.